- Terms and conditions

Terms and conditions

Welcome to! Our mission is to provide you with the most comprehensive and up-to-date reviews of land-based casinos around the globe, enhanced with an intuitive map presentation. By browsing, accessing, or using our website (“Website”), you agree to adhere to these terms and conditions (“Terms”). If, for any reason, you find these Terms not to your liking, we recommend discontinuing use of our site. So, pull up a seat, let’s get started, shall we?

Accepting the Terms

When you embark on this thrilling journey with, it indicates you’ve perused, understood, and wholeheartedly agreed to these Terms. If these Terms sound like too much of a gamble for you, we suggest you fold and avoid using our Website. And remember, just like any hand in poker, always know what you're getting into.

Revisions and Updates

In the ever-evolving world of casinos and technology, we occasionally tweak these Terms to keep pace. We recommend that you make a habit of revisiting this page to ensure you're in the loop regarding any changes. Whenever we make a significant alteration, we'll throw a spotlight on it on to keep our community informed. After all, a well-informed player is a winning player, right?

Cookies and User Experience

Like a dealer smoothly managing a blackjack table, our website uses cookies to ensure everything runs without a hitch. These cookies, apart from being absolutely harmless, optimize your browsing experience and remember your preferences. Think of them as the little chips that keep the game – in this case, your website experience – flowing smoothly. By continuing to browse, you're agreeing to this. Make sure to check out our Privacy Policy to get the full lowdown on how we use this data.

Content Contribution and Licensing

Fancy sharing your casino insights with the world? By all means! However, when you deal your knowledge onto our site, it’s essential to know you’re offering the entire community and the public a license to share, adapt, and even reshuffle that content, as long as they give credit where it's due. Just like when you spread a deck of cards on the table, once it’s out there, it’s for everyone to see and use. So, if you have an original piece of content to which you have rights, you're granting it under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License (“CC BY-SA”).

Content Responsibilities and Liability

At, we pride ourselves on providing top-notch reviews and insights. But remember, the casino world is vast, and while we aim for perfection, we can't guarantee the accuracy of every detail. Think of it as a game of roulette: sometimes, you're spot on; other times, there might be a slight margin of error. If you spot something that looks off, let us know, and we'll check our cards! Always ensure that you’re not placing content that could be seen as defamatory, misleading, or in violation of any rights. Like any casino game, always play fair!

Privacy: Our Golden Rule

In the bustling world of casinos, privacy can sometimes be a luxury. But here at, it’s a promise. To understand how we safeguard your data and ensure your privacy, have a look at our dedicated Privacy section. Just like the unspoken bond between a player and a dealer, trust is everything for us.

Right to Modify or Remove Content

We are the house, and sometimes, the house must make decisions to ensure everyone has a fair and enjoyable experience. If we find that some content or links are a tad too dicey or against our standards, we might decide to pull them from the game. And remember, as with any casino's house rules, ours are here to ensure a fair, safe, and enjoyable experience for all.

Prohibited Behavior

Casinos have rules, and so do we. Keep your actions above board. Harassment, impersonation, or any fraudulent activities are a straight road out of our community. Keep your play clean, respectful, and genuine, and remember, a good player knows when to act and when to observe.

Account Security

In the digital world of, your password is your stack of chips. Guard it closely, don’t share it, and definitely don’t leave it lying around. If you keep your chips safe, you're always in the game.

User Safety and Community Standards

Every player's safety is our topmost priority. If we notice any disruptive or potentially harmful behavior, we might step in, just like a casino security team would. We strive for a community where everyone can enjoy their time, share insights, and learn. So, keep it cordial, keep it safe, and most importantly, enjoy the game.

Service Termination

It's always sad to see a player leave the table, but if you wish to exit our platform or if we find a need to terminate certain services due to violations, these Terms will still bind you. Our content will remain visible, much like the legacy of a legendary player in a casino hall.

General Acknowledgements and Disclaimers

You're an independent player on our platform, and while you're here, these Terms govern our mutual relationship. The unpredictable nature of casinos also applies to life and the digital world. We strive for excellence, but sometimes, things might not go as planned. Just like a game, always play responsibly.


As you'd tip a dealer after a good game, we want to extend our sincere thanks to you. Your participation, insights, and trust in make us what we are. So, ante up, and let’s make this a memorable game!